Dynamic mirrors, past selves

Seeing you – me



Social configurations


Abysses and pinnacles


Visions of previous dreams

Out of bounds

Then, like now


Fact of the matter

Matter of fact

Fuck nostalgia

Nostalgia’s dead


Theatre(s) of beauty

Arena(s) of hope

Where alternate me-s

Are put to rest


Schauspiel, illusions

It’s all just pretence

We all are hidden

Behind the façade of ourselves


But fuck it; just fuck it

I’m a hero in grey

An ambiguous duality

Every living day


When I saw you

When I felt you

When we expanded, and merged


Was the moment

I collapsed

Into what became me


And yes, I do love you

The beauty that I see

But I was never enough

Please, forgive me

(Edgar @ Samfundet, Nov 11 2017)