180814: No name
Yes, I did
I tried to
And I still do
It was too hard
It was stuck in there
In my mind
In my heart
I couldn’t let go
Then you faded away
And I stood there
Watching you disappear
How you drifted away from me
And I just couldn’t…
Just couldn’t let you go
Too much between us
Too much history
The intensity
260814: No name
Reality’s split
And there
For a moment
The two become one
When you see the accident
And simultaneously see
The worst outcome
260914: Goodbye Love
We have grown apart
You and I
We had this bond
This long-lasting friendship
Or so I thought it was
But I realize now that
There was no mutuality
It was no symbiosis
It was
It was a one-way thing
It was
I’m glad to leave you now
The connection is cut
And now
We’re through
I’ve said it before
But I wasn’t able to do it
To go through with it
But now
Now I’m ready to take the step
The final step
And close the door behind me
121014: No name
When I see you
I want to touch you
But what I touch
It turns to stone
Or to dust
But you’re standing there
As vivid as ever
As tempting as ever
But I don’t want to destroy you
So I keep my distance
And I hope for the best
And always
I love you
121014: Goodbye
It’s over
I see it now
Other people
The other ones
They don’t know what they’re talking about
It’s over
I see it now
You’ve made me realize
And now I’ve made the change
It’s over
A big, fat black line
Has been drawn over it
To say
It’s over
I understand that it is
I don’t like it
But I accept it
And it’s over
Thank you
For making me realize
And thank me
For realizing it
121014: Over
Well yeah, I know I did
But you did too
Thing is
I didn’t try to get away from it;
I stood there
In my way, trying to make it happen
Trying to make it work
But you never did
At least that’s the way I saw it
Perhaps – just perhaps
I was too much in my own bubble
Living in my own sphere
I didn’t see your signals
I didn’t pick them up
And I’m sorry
I’m bad at that
And perhaps I can’t accuse you
Of being equally bad
Because it might happen
That I’m bad at giving signals as well
But still
But still, yes
Yes, I do
It was always you
And now
I’ve settled
I’ve settled with the fact that
Me and you
Or me and anyone
Isn’t going to happen
And I see it’s for the best
Because you turned me into a stone
A cold, emotionless stone
Because you were the one
You were THE one
And you were the last one
And now I’m done
Because it was you or no one
And that’s the only way it could be
Because you were the one
And you are the one
And that’s how it was
And that’s how it is