I just want to stay
Out here
In the clear
And cold
November night with you
Walking along the streets
The endless, lifeless streets
Where darkness is torn apart
By the shine of the street lights
Windows – the theatres of life
Only light. No motion. No life
No one home
Buildings left cold and alone
The cars driven by detached people
Not people. Only persons. Entities
Occupied with themselves
Regardless of the world around them
But here I am
With you
Oh! Sweet, fantastic you
You that will never leave me
You that can never leave me
For my heart is filled with you
Only you
Red lights pass me
Still no acts in the windows
Dead. They’re dead. Inside
No light in their eyes
No magic in their smiles
No truth in them
And darkness. Endless darkness
A darkness in which
I cannot be a part
As they have never
And will never
See the beauty that so
Vividly lives in darkness
Alas! I feel sorry for you
Stone-hearted people
Luckily, there is you
To whisper in my ear
Your voice still so alive
Bringing peace and calm
To my soul
While they
They sit there
Staring with their dead eyes
Onto the pictures
Of rapidly changing colours
Brainless rubbish
Like them
If they could only take a moment
And listen to you
With their eyes closed
In darkness